xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Words Floating Around in My Head: August 2014

Friday, August 29, 2014

Fess Up Milk Duds

When it comes to Cheetos and Milk Duds I have no self control.
It's embarrassing to admit but ...there...I said it.

An unopened bag Cheetos is safe.
An opened bag ...?.... not so much.
Something about those cheesy puffs makes me lose all willpower.
I must have them.
I must.

Milk Duds are worse.
It's bad.
I could choke on a Milk Dud and die happy.
If that's terrible I don't care.
If loving them is wrong I don't want to be right.

So there you have it.
I've fessed up.
& I feel wonderfully released.
 ! ! ! ! ! !

Fess Up Friday.
I should do this more often.


Monday, August 25, 2014

He Smiles

Remember Wicker Walk Man ?
He's the guy I see every single day as I walk my lovely walk.

Doesn't matter what time of the day I am there.
He is always there.
Which is fine.
I love my Wicker Walk and he obviously does too.

I walk counterclockwise.
Wicker Walk Man walks clockwise.
Which is fine too.
I'm all for seeing a familiar face each day.

Wicker Walk Man and I have been taking our walks for many, many days now.
You would think we would have formed some sort of friendly banter as we pass each other multiple times.
We have not.

What we have is what we have always had.
He looks. I smile. He looks away. He looks. I smile. He looks away.
It's a monotonous, little pattern we have formed.
I'm not crazy about it but, it is what it is.

My 'problem' with Wicker Walk Man is if he looks why doesn't he smile....?
He looks and grumpily looks away.
Every single day.

Why do you look my way Wicker Walk Man ?
You looking at me makes me offer a smile.
I am lured in by your trap and I'm tired of it mister.
You look. I smile. You look away.

For the record there are days I don't look.
My peripheral vision can see him looking over but, I hold firm.

You may be wondering if there is a point to today's rambles.
Yes there is.

I saw Wicker Walk Man yesterday.
surprise !
But...get this.. he was talking, laughing and having quite the conversation with some man as I walked by.
Wicker Walk Man is a friendly human being.
I hardly recognized him.

Why am I writing about this and why is this even bothering my brain today...?
I think it boils down to a simple, little rule of smiling.
At least my rule of smiling.
And here it is...
If you are going to take the time to look at someone every single day ... please, offer them a smile.
Especially if they smile at you....!

Otherwise that other person ...aka me...will constantly wonder....why why why....
Why don't you smile back Wicker Walk Man ?


Monday, August 11, 2014

90 - 90

It's rainy.
And it's Monday.
I'll be singing The Carpenters song today.
Not because I'm not down.
I just like the song.

I'm looking at the rain soaked pool outside.
It hasn't had much action this year.
But, there it sits...patiently waiting for someone to jump in and enjoy.

It won't be me.

I'm not a pool jumper in-er.
I'm more of a pool foot dangler.
A sit on the deck and watch-er.

Nothing wrong with that.
Some people like to pool frolic.
Some people don't.
I'm a don't.

For me to even consider pool frolicking the air temperature must be 90 degrees.
The water temperature must be 90 degrees.
Simple as that.

I don't know where the 90 - 90 calculation came from.
Somewhere down the road something in my brain told me so.
Sounded good to me.
90 - 90 it is !

We haven't had many 90 - 90 degrees this Summer.
Or even 80 - 80 degrees.
That's a bummer.
The frolickers are missing their fun.

But, Summer is not over yet.
And Autumn usually hands over a few hot days.
So, no worries.
There's still time to enjoy a good frolic.

Or a good dangle.

I'll be dangling.



Saturday, August 9, 2014

The Cellar

I loved my Gramma's house.

Walking into her place gave me a feeling like no other.
It was pure unconditional love.
Truly priceless.

Everything about my Gramma's house was wonderful.

Except the cellar.

I had a weird, unexplainable feeling every time I ventured into that cellar.
We had to go down there if we wanted to take a shower.
Bath upstairs or shower downstairs.
You choose.

Let's just say I took a lot of baths at Gramma's house.

I've never before or since felt like I felt in that cellar.
Something unseen was there.
I could feel it.

I sometimes experience 6th sense kind of feelings.
It's never been a big deal.
It really doesn't bother me.
It bothered me in that cellar.

My Gramma died years ago.
So Gramma's house is not Gramma's house anymore.
Some lucky somebody else lives there now.

I wonder, if given the chance to go back into the cellar ...would I ?
& what would I feel if I did ?

I guess I'll never know.
And that's ok.



Sunday, August 3, 2014

My Broken Lawnmower

I love cutting the grass.
I hate grocery shopping.

I'm talking really really love and really really hate.

My husband and I have a unwritten, never really talked about, just happened rule.
I cut the grass.
He grocery shops.

It works.
I'm happy.
He's happy.

We have a lot of grass.
That's one of the reasons I've stay in this house for so many years.
Lots of grass and my big, bald tree.

It's no secret that I love my lawnmower.
I got it one birthday after dropping a million hints.

My music and my lawnmower.
Pure, simple happy.

We've been on vacation for a few weeks so the grass needed cutting yesterday.
YaY !
I was really looking forward to spending a good portion of the day with my music and my lawnmower.

Long story short...
She (my lawnmower) broke.
She was acting weird and then ...kaput.

You have no idea how this spoiled my yesterday.
It kinda ruined it.
I went from very happy to ..... very not.

The grass got cut.
We have a riding mower so .... no problem there.
And my lawnmower will be fixed so ... no problem there either.

So why the bad mood and mad reaction to my broken lawnmower ?
Don't ask me Bob.

I'm thinking it had something to do with the thought of grocery shopping ....


Saturday, August 2, 2014


I've been away from home for 3 weeks.
Just got back yesterday evening.

We traveled by car so the ride was long but, I love a good road trip.

After sitting in that car you think I would do something once I walked into the house.
Anything ...?
I found the recliner and parked myself there.

So this morning I'm looking around.

It seems there are a few things I need to do to get back to 'normal'
Suitcases to unpack, a dog to pick up, mail to sort.


I also have a few words floating around in my head.
About time spent with my grandson, traveling, misc this and that....

So yeah.
I guess I have stuff to do.

But all I really want is to put my music in my ears, my tennies on my feet and walk.
And walk.

So that's what I will do.

I love my priority list.
