xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Words Floating Around in My Head: December 2015

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Revel Time

IT'S NEW YEAR'S EVE ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

yippeeeeeeeee !!

& we all know how much I adore Eves !
I lovelovelovelovelove them so !!

I've come to the conclusion that my adoration of Eves is the force behind my unrelenting desire to be in New York City today, NOW.
To be a reveling reveler in Times Square as a new, dreams do come true, anything can happen, clean slate, brand NEW YEAR approaches ?!? ...!...

Talk about jollity !!
Weeeeeee !!

But alas, my ultimate glee fest remains an unfulfilled dream yet again, this year.

Truth be told ?
I watch the festivities from my comfy, I'm never moving from this spot recliner.
woo. woo.
& every single year as I'm sitting there I declare, loud and clear for all to hear


Waaaaaaaaaaa !!

I then remove myself from my oh so cozy recliner,
call my family,
holler Happy New Year ! in every one of their ears
and shuffle off to bed or back to my always enticing recliner.

ahhhhh ... pleasant ....

& in my New Year dreams I promise myself I WILL be a reveler in New York City one wonderfully sweet wonderful day.

Certain people, who shall remain nameless, think I am a bit coo coo.
Why I would want to stand in the freezing cold, crammed with other freezing cold coo coos, waiting for hours for a ball to drop at midnight is beyond insane according to them.
The people ! The lines ! The traffic ! The ! The ! The !!!!!

I refuse to let those negativities pop my revel bubble.

But, I gotta tell you, I can't explain why I even want to be there.
The everyday me avoids crowds, is not a fan of cities, is not all that fond of staying up late and would rather not freeze in the freezing cold.

But a force takes over my brain on the Eve of the New Year that excitedly reminds me ...
It's an EVE
& it's a NEW YEAR
& you're missing it  !!
Again !!
& as my years keep moving along, I'm finding it harder and harder to contain my need to be amongst the happys ! !
I want to be with all those strangers squooooosed together in merriment.
I need to be a Times Square reveler one day.
It's a Bucket List Must Must Musttttttttt.

Looks like that day won't be this day though.
I have no plans to partake in tonight's high spirit exuberance.

I guess I'll just have to hunker down in my snug as a bug in a rug recliner again.
woo. woo.
& declare next year, or the year after, or the year after that as my Times Square Revel year.
Yep. Yep.

oh well.
A girl can dream
& I really, really, REALLY delight in this particular dream.
Weeeeee !!

Happy New Year's my Friends !


I Am My Feelings

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

It's So You

We met by chance.

They were sitting in the hotel lobby bar
& we were debating.

It was Girls' Night for Sisters, Friend and I
& Belinda Carlisle and the Go-Go's had just spent a few hours singing their songs to us.
But we were angry.
The after concert establishment where we had hoped to continue our glee had extremely poor customer service.
So we left that awful place in a huffy huff huff huff.
How dare they be so rude.

My trio and I were deciding and deliberating where to go and what to do next when Friend stopped our conversation and began another.
She had crossed paths with a hair stylist from her past.
He and his partner had also just seen those Go-Go's
& they too were seeking a continuation of fun.
Talk Talk Talk
Drink Drink Drink
Talk and drink some more ...

Just like that, it was closing time
& we had to part ways with our new, favorite BFFs.
But somewhere in that night, I had asked a simple question.
'What would you do with my hair ?"

"Grow it." he said without pause.
"Grow it out, then come to me."

& so, I did.

I feel like I have known them forever.
We finish each others' sentences, we like the same everythings, we laugh and laugh and laugh.
We are friends from another lifetime
& I am certain destiny did her part in reuniting us.

Certain opinions matter to me.
They matter a lot.
So when D and I decided one hairdo day that we should also become Facebook friends, I was a bit nervous.
I knew that would mean my blog, this blog, would be available for his daily viewing.

He could read my writings, my poems, my stories.
Or not.
He could love them.
Or not.
He could think my words were the best words in all the land.
Or. Not.

Quite honestly, I was afraid he wouldn't 'get' my ramblings, my thoughts, my poems, my stories
& I really, really needed him to 'get' it because certain opinions matter to me.
A lot.

I received a beautiful Christmas gift from D and H last week.
But, it's the words that came with the gift that will forever be tucked in my heart.

"It's So You"

He had seen an author interviewed
& her writings reminded him of me.

"It's so You"

& as I read this wonderful book by a woman who writes and rambles just like I do ...
I whisper...
Thank you, Destiny.


I Am My Feelings

Tuesday, December 22, 2015


I am a big believer in everything happens for a reason.
The good, the bad, the lovely and the ugly.
There is always, always a reason.

Stop, listen, take the time and the energy to notice.
To see.
Everything Teaches.

Every. Single. Thing.

But, here's the glitch...

Everything good ?
Oh ! that's just wonderful.
It is happily welcomed and escorted right in.
We openly accept it, sometimes covet it, forever treasure it and continually strive for it

but, then there's ...
The not so good.
The darn right hard and ugly and awful.
Yes, unfortunately, that guy is a part of this world too
& along with hard and ugly and awful often comes excuses, regrets, why's and wallows.
The reason for it's unwanted arrival is frequently buried
& sometimes never discovered.

But the lesson IS there.
We may love it or hate it.
Be ecstatic or be crushed.
Hug it or shun it.
But everything is there to teach.

The good.
The bad.
The lovely.
The ugly.
It all comes with this thing called Life

& if we open up to it and allow every single bit of it in, we will eventually see.
We will always see.

Everything does happen for a reason.


I Am My Feelings

Friday, December 18, 2015

Happy ! Happy !

We were gathered at the kitchen table having dinner, when Mom let out a startled 'Ooooh !'
& after a flurry of fussing, Grandpa was called to watch the kids as Mom and Dad ventured off to the hospital.
It was time to welcome Child #6 into this world.

I was ten years old
& we were supposed to go to the circus that night.

No circus.
Instead, we received a 10 lb. 8 oz. bundle of joy, referred to as Youngest Sister.

I remember Grandpa informing us siblings that "it" was a girl.
My two sisters and I were elated.
YES ! ! !
Girls rule ! !

The two boys ?
Took them awhile but, they got over it.

Fourteen years later, I let out a similar sounding  'Ooooh !'
Husband and I were at a restaurant.
It was my job to occupy as Family decorated our house for his surprise 26th birthday party
& occupy him I did.
Husband and I drove off to the hospital as Family and Friends celebrated into the night.
We heard it was one heck of a party.

Twenty four or so hours later, an 8 lb 6 oz. boy entered our world.
It was my sister's birthday and now it would be my son's birthday too.

Sharing a birthday exactly one week before Christmas does have it's perks.
Every single body is in festive holiday mode.
Decorations galore.
Winter break.
Birthday presents and then Christmas presents too ... ?

wooo wooo.

It also brings similarities in personality.
Sister and Son are both confidently quiet, determined, patient human beings who are very, VERY devoted to their beloved sport teams.
It's the Chicago Cubs for her, the Buffalo Bills and Colorado Rockies for him.
Truer loyalty is hard to find.

My sis and my boy have taken a picture together every year since that very first doubled up birthday 35 years ago today.
Their photo albums contain quite a collection of hair styles, clothing trends and action shots.
& it's quite entertaining !
We all live in different states now but somehow, someway we find a time and a place to take that double birthday picture.
I'm sure we always will.

So today, I sing
Happy Birthday !
Happy Birthday !
Sister and Son.

! YaY !

Here's to many, many more hair styles, clothing trends and action shots.

Oh & those double birthday cakes ?
They were always a good deal too.



I Am My Feelings

Monday, December 14, 2015

Background Music

Engelbert Humperdinck.


He was the background music to my growing up years.
My mom loved him.
A lot.
I sometimes wonder, if Engelbert really did come a calling as Mom so often wished would she, could she ?

Never mind.
She would.
She could.

We had a stereo in the living room
& Engelbert's albums were on most of the time.
He was there during homework and on lazy Saturdays
& his tunes were constant as we washed and dried every supper dish.
Dancing and singing to Engelbert became quite routine in our happy, little home.

Then one lovely day I heard 'Mandy' and Barry Manilow entered my life.
By that time I had my own stereo, so I played his albums continuously
& yes.
It did drive my brothers crazy.

Oh Barry.
How I love him.
I always will.
So it is really no surprise when I say Mr Manilow was the background music in my children's lives.
Those lucky kids.
My offspring will never, ever admit it but, I KNOW they know just about every Barry song.
Word for every wonderful Word.

It's true

& now, since I am known as Gramma Jacki, I do believe it's time to pass that torch.
But, who ?
Who will be next ???
Who will carry on this magnificently melodious tradition ?

I suppose it really doesn't matter.
Fun and memories.
That's what matters
& that's what makes those crooners and their croons so darn special.


The memories ....

The fun ....


I Am My Feelings

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Perfectly Perfect

I've probably made it pretty darn obvious that I love the bright side.
I search for good in every single situation that comes rolling my way.
Stay positive, baby.

But today, I am treading into Negative Nellie Land.
This doesn't happen very often so hold onto your hats my peeps, cause ...
oh boy.
goooooo ....

I am not a fan of Holiday Year in Review letters.
In fact, I dislike them immensely
& when I receive them, I often roll my eyes and moan.

It's true.
I do.

I'm talking the 'everything is always over the top perfectly perfect perfect' letters.
The family is gorgeous, the vacations fantastic, the second house sensational, the new car phenomenal
& so on & so on & so on.

Those letters.

My problem with this type of holiday greeting ?

It is IMPOSSIBLE for everything to always be so flawless.
It's not feasible. It's inconceivable.
Dare I say, it is preposterous ?
It goes against the law of averages is what it does.
A bad year has to occur sooner or later.
It just must.

For example, 2014 was a very good year around here.
Good stuff happened.
2015 ?
Although it's had it's share of beautiful moments, it will not be running for Best Year Ever.

Uhhhh , sorry 2015.
You just won't.

The good news though, is a good year or two always offsets a dud !
It's called Life
& that's just how it works.
Good thrown in with a few not so goods.
It all evens out in the end.

Please forgive me for doubting your yearly wonderful letter friend, but things just can't continually be so absolutely unblemished.
Not every single year.
It's the law of averages, my buddy.
The. Law. Of. Averages.

& it's ok to admit to a not so good year.
Go ahead.
Throw a few negatives in with all those positives.
I promise, I'll still love you.

Sometimes it can be quite a stinker.
I encourage you to enjoy it, treasure it and pleasey please please, Infinitely Perfect Letter Writer
Just ONCE ...
Tell me alllllll about that dud.


I Am My Feelings