xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Words Floating Around in My Head: June 2019

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Tick Tock

The closer it gets to the beginning of Summer, the more I think about it
& these days, as I'm ping-ponging from Central to Eastern back to Central again ?
I'm kinda consumed.

tick tock
does anyone really know ?
knock three
step in


By my calculations, we are only six days away from the longest day of our year
after that, shorty will prevail.
& it truly never fails.
Each and every single year on Summer Solstice, I think, 'RATS ! ALREADY ?!?
& can someone tell me WHY ?? I didn't pay better attention to those later in the day sunsets ??'


I'm assuming it's because sunrises are more my thing but, c'mon Self !!
Look !
See !!
'cause I know you, missy
& you will surely be wishing you witnessed allllll, when Winter comes a-calling

& speaking of time.
No offense EDT but, I'm not a fan.
CDT is where my heart will forever live because it's perfect.
It's a nice combination of not too early, not too late, just pleasantly in between.

& who came up with the idea of time zones anyways ??
& why ????
& how many different zones are there in this world ??
& what's up with the World Clock ?
Looks like Google has some explaining to do.


Oh time, time, time.
I'm so glad you're on my side
& I just might have too much of you on my hands.


But this evening, as I'm contemplating your very existence ?
Oh yes.
I will be catching that sunset.

