xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Words Floating Around in My Head: April 2015

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Bye Bye 55

Normally, I don't do this.
I'm not an 'it's my birthday !' announcer because I'm not fond of the spotlight.
But ....
Yeah. Yeah.
Today is my birthday.

The only reason I've mention it is because I really, really loved the age of 55
& I feel the need to give my Double Nickels a proper sendoff.

I don't know what it is but, there was just something about 55...
I just knew it was going to be a good year
& I was right.
My Double Nickel promises were kept.
I tuned in and listened to me
I liked what I heard.

Oh, Yes I Did.

& so
Since I adore 55, I've been finding it very hard to leave.

I don't wanna.
Can't I just live 55 forever ?!?!


When suddenly amongst all my complaining, a little voice on the other side of my phone handed me these simple words.

"Maybe 56 will be better"


Yeah baby.
Maybe 56 WILL be better.

& so my Double Nickels I must bid you adieu.
I love you.
I always will.
& it really has been swell.

But ....
I must go now.
Good things are waiting up ahead.
I know it.

Hellooooo 56 !!


I Am My Feelings

Saturday, April 25, 2015


I'm heading to a marathon this morning.

I've never run 26.2 miles.
I never will.
As much as I love walking, I have absolutely no desire to move my body fast.
What I love, is cheering on those marathoners.
A marathon has to be one of the happiest places on the planet.

The high fives, the 'you can do its' , the music, the laughter ....!
Everyone is friendly...everyone is neighborly.
Everyone is one.
It is truly a beautiful atmosphere.

So to all you marathoners I say 26.2 miles ?!?
You gooooo guys and gals !
I will never, ever accomplish what you accomplish today but, I'm with you.
I'm so with you.
The other watchers and I will enjoy every minute of your awesome quest.
We will share your glee, your pride and your happy
& we will spread that joy around.

Any aches and pains and all that other good stuff ...?
Oh, that's all yours baby !
All yours.



I Am My Feelings

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Step Stuff

I'm walking again.
I mean really walking again.

Between my visits to Grandson, my bout with the flu and all the other this and thats that seem to keep happening, I haven't been walking walking
& THAT is a big bummer in my book.
But now, I'm back in the groove.

This makes me extremely happy for two reasons.
I love to walk
& I'm in a step competition with certain members of my family.
Now, I will show them how it's done.

step. step.

Since I'm back to my regular walking I'm noticing things and people and miscellaneous stuff again
& just because today is Tuesday ...
I'm going to give you an update on my walking observations.

First up, the Emerald Ash Borer
Remember the dreaded beetle that was taking down all my trees ?
I still have a problem with that little bit of nature.
That darn critter has wiped out soooooo many old timers on my walking path.
Those giants used to stand tall and proud
& now they are reduced to stumps.
Lots and lots of stumps.
Man, it just breaks my heart.
But, since there is always a bright side, here's the the bright side.
I also see a truckload of newbies patiently waiting for their turn to be planted.
Those little trees are my someday giants
& I love them already.
I can't wait to watch them grow.

Next up, Wicker Walk Man
It's been awhile since I've mentioned this guy.
He's the gentleman I've seen countless times.
Almost every single day actually, for a few years now.
He walks clockwise.
I walk counterclockwise.
We see each other ALL THE TIME.
We should, at the very least, be 'Hi!' buds by now.

Instead, we've fallen into an uncomfortable pattern.
We look. I smile. He grumpily looks away.
We look. I smile. He grumpily looks away.
The guy just refuses to smile back.
Which always makes me wonder ... WHY DO YOU EVEN LOOK AT ME WICKER WALK MAN ???
WHY ??? WHY ??? WHY ???


He's back.
I see him all the time
& he's still not smiling.
So I've made a vow to my wounded heart to never, ever, ever look at him again.
I know I sound like a meanie but, I've tried.
I have really, really tried.
Wicker Walk Man just won't budge.
My peripheral vision tells me he is still looking at me though.
He's probably wondering 'what's up with her ???'
Or not.
Either way, the poor guy has lost his chance.

Rats for him.

Speaking of 'Hi!' buds ...
There's another elderly gentleman I see almost daily.
I call this one Mr Happy.
Mr Hearty Helloooooooo Happy To See You Guy.
We see each other two, three, even four times and each and every time our paths cross, this man hands me one Hearty Hello and some awesome smiles.
He makes my heart so happy.
I sure hope I do the same for him.

& last but not least
Mr and Mrs Black Squirrel.
Unfortunately, I haven't seen the celebrity couple yet this year
& frankly, I'm a little worried.
I'm hoping the notoriety wasn't too much for them.
But, you just don't see any black squirrels in these parts.
Of course people were going to stop dead in their tracks and gawk  ...! ...
It's what we do.
& here I was hoping for adorable black squirrel offspring by now.
Maybe Mr and Mrs Black Squirrel are still hunkered down working on that little detail ???
In that case ... privacy please.

There you have it.
My Wicker Walk Observations.
Who'da figure there would be so much miscellaneous-ness from a jaunt around a park ...?

I know.
It's fascinating.
& just so YOU know ....
I plan to keep you updated.


I Am My Feelings


Sunday, April 19, 2015

Ruts 2

I now can say I know how to replace a serpentine belt and tensioner on a 1995 Ford pickup truck
& I didn't even have to call in my drunkin, swearin sailor self to do it.
I remained calm, cool and collected.

oh, yes I did.

For those of you who missed it, our extremely loyal, never one to complain, old faithful Ford pickup has been lodging in the mucky mud of our backyard for a few days.
It was placed there by a strange string of "ARE YOU KIDDING ME ?!?!" events that, at the time, seemed mini disastrous
& to add insult to injury, the Ford's serpentine belt and tensioner broke in the process of it all.

grrrrrrrrrr !!!

At the time, I was pretty upset
But today, I'm wondering why.
Why did I let a stuck pickup and a couple of ruts in the grass upset me so ?!?
It really was no big deal
& things happen.
But, at that moment in time, I was pretty convinced that crappy things only happen to Husband and me
Everyone else gets a pass.
See ?
This is my brain in Humph Mode.

boo hoo.
poor me.

I have to remind myself every so often that I am a true believer in everything happens for a reason
& although I still can't figure out why I need those ruts in my yard, I'm ok with it.

The truck is out of the muck and back in the driveway
& I can proudly say "Yeah. I fixed it !" because, guess what ...?....
I fixed it !!
Woooooooo Wooooooooo ! ! !

I know. I know.
I couldn't have fixed it without the man but, shhhh, let me enjoy this awesome moment of me please.

It all turned out just fine.
& yep
Everything does happen for a reason.

So if you happen to need a serpentine belt and tensioner replaced ...?...
Call me.
I got this.


I Am My Feelings

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


I'm a pretty positive person most days.
But, every once in awhile, Negative Nellie comes a calling and I listen.
I not only listen, I agree
& that's not good.

Today has the makings of a listen to Nellie day.
I'm very close to diving in and letting her rule my mind and my actions.

You want to know why I'm feeling so grumpy ?
I'm going to tell you anyways ...
& if I wasn't so humphy about it, I'd actually think it was kind of funny.

It all started yesterday afternoon.
I was happily cutting my backyard grass.
The day was beautiful.
I was doing something I love.
Life was good.

All of a sudden, I looked up to see Husband chugging along on his riding mower.
I thought this was strange, seeing that I was just about done
& the only grass that needed to be cut was a little corner section in the very back of the yard.

I know he was just trying to be helpful but, Husband treading into my happy land with his riding mower kinda got on my nerves.
How dare he.
But, since I was just about done, I gave him a sign to go ahead and finish up the back section
& so, he did.

Now the back section of the yard is usually the mushiest section.
Especially if we've had a lot of snow or rain.
I wasn't really thinking about this when I handed over the mowing reins.
But, I sure wish I would have remembered that little tidbit.

Turns out, the riding mower got stuck in the muck.
Long story short, the battery died on the riding mower too and it needed a jump.
We will bring the pickup truck to the back section to jump the riding mower, it's not THAT mushy back there.

Yes it was.
It was very, very mushy back there.

The good news is we got the riding mower out.
It's tucked away in the garage.
The pickup ?
Well that's another story.
The truck is sitting in my yard as we speak.
& the ruts it made in the grass as we tried to free it from the muck are quite impressive.
Let's just say that truck is pretty darn stuck and looks like it doesn't want to move for a very long while.

For some reason, after all this happened I ended up upstairs with a blanket over my head.
Go figure.
My words to Husband were "I'm going to hide"
& hide I did.

Now that I'm looking at yesterday through today's eyes it all seems pretty comical
& as I glance out the window and see the distant pickup and all it's ruts I think
"Thank Goodness I live on an acre of land or I'd really be upset !!"

Welcome to my life.

yep. yep.

Hey there Negative Nellie I hate to disappoint but, you might as well go away.
I've decided you're not going to hunker down on me today.
I prefer to laugh
Because if I can't laugh about this and all the other goofy things that keep happening, then I will surely go coo coo.

So HA !!

Hellooooooo Positive Day.


I Am My Feelings

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Boy, is my face red.

I'm somewhat embarrassed to report I've fallen off my wagon.
But, since it was more of a self induced, cannon ball jump off that wagon ...
Ashamed is what I am.


For weeks now, I have been carefully watching and calculating every single food particle that has entered my body.
What started as a Lenten fast has extended to a very cool life choice.
I'm liking the calculating
I'm loving the weight loss.

So, YaY.

Go Me.

brag brag brag

But, then ....
this past weekend happened
& all I can say is
Oh. My.

Oh. My. My.

I decided early on that the weekend was going to be a food fest.
No reason to fight it.
It is what it is.
& I was going for it.
I figured, no sense in monitoring my food intake.
I would just chalk it up to 'I've been good'.
& yep
I sooooooo deserve this.

Little did I know I would unleash my inner binge beast.
Poor guy needed some air.
Needed to stretch.
Needed to EAT.


Seems everything I wouldn't allow into my stomach during Lent wanted in now.

My response ?
There's plenty of room.


& that was just Saturday.
When Sunday came along, you'd think I'd get a grip.


Sunday was worse.
At some point I thought I would say "Enough !"
But, I didn't.
I just kept eating and eating
& eating.

Enter Monday morning.
Like a mad faced parent returning from a weekend trip to find the house in chaos.

Shame. Shame. Shame.

Ok. Ok.
I get it.
I get it.
& yes
I am happy to report that I have learned my lesson well.

I am wholeheartedly back on my calculating wagon
& I'm staying aboard.
Seems it's best if  I hold myself accountable
so ... I will.
I will.

But, truth be told ?
I'm sure going to miss that binge beast of mine.
The guy really knows how to gorge.

Oh. My.


I Am My Feelings

Monday, April 6, 2015

My Easter Gift

This wasn't going to be a 'normal' Easter anyway ...

This year we upped the days.
We would color eggs on Good Friday.
& enjoy Easter dinner on Saturday.

The reason ?
Opening Night of MLB Baseball.

WHAT ?!? you say ...
no worries.
Jesus understands the needs of a season ticket holder.

& yes, I'm happy to report, our unorthodox plans worked out perfectly.
A wonderful Easter weekend was had by all.

I was supposed to partake in the happy Easter glee too.
But unfortunately, I was brought to an abrupt stop after the Good Friday egg coloring.
The flu that I've been successfully dodging all winter long  finally found it's way to me.

I know.

I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later
& happen, it did.

It's kind of a bummer being sick on a holiday though.
Kinda a real bummer.

But, I'm a true believer in the bright side
& I do believe I've found mine.

My bright side is that I was feeling ok enough yesterday to sit on my recliner and stare at the tv.
Something I rarely do.
& as I searched the guide, I came across The History Channel's version of 'The Bible'.

It was Awesome.


Every year when these shows appear on my tv, I swear I'm going to watch them.
But, I don't.
I swear I'll dvr them and watch later
& I do, but, I don't.
Life seems to always get in my way.

But, this year I was given a wonderful gift.
I watched.

& although I'm still not feeling all that great and I should get my butt back in bed, I just needed to express my bright spot happy.

It's all about Jesus.
Whether I'm in church, at a ballgame or sick in bed.
It's about my relationship with Jesus
& yep, that's good.
Wonderfully simple, Easter good.


I Am My Feelings