xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Words Floating Around in My Head: Wicker Walk Man

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Wicker Walk Man

My sister and I are signed up to walk a half marathon in May.
So ...I am walking a little more than usual ..... getting the ol feet and legs ready for the big day.

I walk my lovely Wicker Park.
I go at different times but, it's the same path, same route each day.
Sometimes I see a familiar face.....but most times I see new, smiling faces ....

And then there's Wicker Walk Man.

I've named him that because Wicker Walk Man is there no matter what time, what day.
He is there.
He is always there.

Wicker Walk Man is a clockwise walker.
I like walking counterclockwise.
He walks his way. I walk mine.
Our paths cross two, three, sometimes four times.

Now, I'm usually lost in my music when I walk...but as people are walking towards me I look up and smile.
Most people smile or say Hi....

Wicker Walk Man never smiles or says Hi.
He looks at me and looks away.
Every. Single. Time.
He looks...I smile...He looks away.... He looks ..I smile..He looks away...
It's this nice little pattern we've formed.
I throw in a HI every so often just to shake things up ...but he always looks away.

I often wonder what's up with Wicker Walk Man.
What's his story ?
What's going through his mind when he sees me and my goofy smile headed his way ?
And why does he always look away with no response..no reaction ?

I have made it my mission to get a smile from Wicker Walk Man.
If he ever says Hi I will probably jump with joy ...!.

Cmon Wicker Walk Man...it's not so bad.
Smile !!


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