I was putting my slippers on after my shower because my feet are always so darn cold
I felt a shift in my back that was rather unpleasant.
A blackout feeling took over my brain
& I maneuvered my way over to the only thing available to sit on, the toilet.
Deep breath.
Deep breath.
You are not going to black out, I told myself.
Nope. Nope. Nope.
thankfully, I didn't.
The feeling subsided.
But ... now what do I do ?
I sat there.
& sat there.
& sat there, until I was brave enough to attempt whatever was going to be next.
It was very slow, very steady and not very easy but, I made my way to an upstairs bedroom.
That sounds far.
It wasn't.
I was already upstairs.
I gently settled myself in a chair that happened to be sitting there.
I had a feeling I would be hunkered down in this chair for a long while.
I was correct.
That was two days ago
& yep.
Here I still sit.
I have made a few moves since early Friday morning.
I'm pretty sure I've perfected the art of walking gingerly, so that's cool
& I can lie down on the bed.
Getting back up is an interesting sight to see but hey, whatever works.
Whatever works.
My best bet though, is to sit patiently and wait.
My back is telling me to be still.
& so, I am being still.
Husband has been kind enough to set me up with a few of life's necessities.
My notebook and pen.
My laptop.
My phone charger.
An occasional PBJ.
& my guitar is sitting ever so faithfully next to me.
Remember what I said about going with the flow ?
I definitely have to follow my own advice these days.
& like it or not, I am going with the flow.
I've been using my sitting still time to write.
And yesterday, the top half of me felt good enough to practice my guitar.
Oh Mandy.
Here I come.
For some reason or another, my back decided it wanted me to stop.
I'm not going to question why.
I will just sit hear and listen to what my body is telling me.
I will write.
& I will strum my version of Mandy until my back feels 'normal' again.
& yeah.
I am very ok with it.
Because sometimes, you have no other choice but to go with that flow.
I Am My Feelings
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