xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Words Floating Around in My Head: It's A ... !

Sunday, February 7, 2016

It's A ... !

It was a quiet Monday evening, 30 years ago, when my daughter hinted she was ready to enter this world.

I had just returned from a quick trip to the grocery store
& after enjoying a very delicious dinner of sauerkraut and sausage, Husband, Child #1 and I were hunkering down for the night.
Sauerkraut and sausage.
I love that stuff.

My back was killing me though, so my pregnant body and I sat on the edge of the bed for a little breather when all of a sudden and oopsie !
ready or not ... !.... this baby was going to arrive. Soon.

Husband and I hurriedly gathered my things and dropped Child # 1 off at Grandma and Grandpa's house.
Son was thrilled.
Life at that place was known to be pretty darn sweet.

I remember the ride to the hospital like it was yesterday.
Bump. Bump. Bumpity BUMP.
Road construction.
I believe I mumbled a not so nice mumble with every single jostle.

When we arrived at our destination, the nurses took over.
They asked if I had eaten.
"Yes", I said
& I told them all about my very fine dinner of sauerkraut and sausage.

Sauerkraut and sausage, huh ?
It's probably just gas, they mused.

Excuse me ???
Gas ?!?
Ha. Ha.
Very funny, nurses.
Very. Funny.

I secretly hoped they were wrong.
How embarrassing.

As I settled into my hospital room, I couldn't help but notice a lady down the hall.
She was going through the process of giving birth and was making sure the whole world knew alllll about it
& I recall thinking, 'Geez lady. It doesn't hurt THAT much !"

A few hours later, I was the one experiencing the process.
And no, I was not shout it from the rooftops vocal about it.
I showed my discomfort by digging my fingernails into Husband's arm.
He might have thought !!!! yyyyyyyyOUCH !!!! but, the only words he muttered were encouraging.

In the wee hours of a Tuesday morning, a 9 lb 10 oz girl entered our life.
I was pretty shocked.
Throughout my pregnancy, I was convinced I was carrying another boy.
When I heard "It's a Girl"
I believe I repeated "A girl. A girl. I got a girl !" a million times.

She is the daughter most like her mother.
Quiet, patiently determined, focused.
A definite Nicey.
But, be warned.
If pushed too far, you will feel a force from this woman that you will not want to experience twice.
She's that perfect combination of strong-willed and gentle.

Enjoy your day my invisible middle child.
My Girl.
I got a girl.

Best sauerkraut and sausage ever.
For. Sure.


I Am My Feelings

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