People think we're crazy
& I suppose, in some ways, we are.
You see, our furnace broke many, many moons ago and Husband and I didn't care.
Didn't even bother to fix it.
Because WHY ???
Because we are extremely diligent to our wood stove
& it's a no biggie.
Wood stove experts are what we became and what we have been for a very long time
& all's been fine.
Just fine.
We order wood.
We stack wood.
We use wood.
The wood does it's thing
& we are kept toasty and warm.
Until we leave the house for an extended period of time, like say, a week or two
& an Arctic front decides to blast on through
& then ?
It tends to be a tad cold in that house upon our return.
Like the last time we ventured off to the Land of Fluffy Clouds and Sunshine.
While we were away, record freezing was recorded by those who record these things
& yep.
We came home to a whopping 35 degrees.
uh huh
35 degrees.
& so, I did what any wood stove user would do.
I started a fire
& not too much later,
You know, the older I get, the more I realize, sometimes the best bet is to stay calm, deal with it
& trust.
Just trust.
I was informed recently by social media, my tv and everywhere I looked that there are acts of nature happening all around this world.
A snowstorm here.
A downpour there.
Freezing freeze.
Biting winds
& I truly appreciate all the good, hardworking people who need to be out amongst those extreme elements.
Whether it's traveling to and fro in it, or shoveling it or making a living outside in the middle of it
I getcha.
I gotcha.
It ain't fun and sometimes it just ain't pretty.
But, it's Mother Nature
& Mother Nature has been known to do things every so often that we human beings don't particularly like.
But, even the very, very worst of storms bring sunshine and rainbows, sooner or later
so yep.
The older I get, the more I realize that sometimes, the best bet is to remain calm, deal with it
& trust.
Just trust.
I was on an airplane recently
& as I sat down, buckled up and got myself ready for the flight, I thought,
These next three hours of my life are completely out of my hands.
Completely, totally out of my hands
& a strange sort of comfort enveloped my whole entire self.
I felt a quiet calm, a readiness to deal and an overwhelming sensation of trust.
The older I get, the more I realize that sometimes,
oh sometimes ...
I Am My Feelings
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