Here is a list of things I should do today :
Clean the bathroom.
Organize the pool stuff in the garage.
aka organize the whole garage
Prepare the wood stove for the cold days that are already here.
but I don't wanna ...!
Rake the leaves and other outside stuff.
tomorrow tomorrow I love you tomorrow
My daily, miscellaneous this and thats
I'm told I'm the Queen of Dilly-Dally but, I'm also quite good at lollygagging.
Now, here is a list of things I want to do today :
Hide upstairs and write.
the words keep floating around in this head of mine
Get back to business with Mandy and Nate.
Mandy = my guitar
Nate = my online guitar lesson guy
Finish the book I'm reading.
it's so good !
Wicker Walk.
What to do....? ...What to do .....?
Here is a list of what will probably be my today :
Get sidetracked by something or someone and get a grand total of nothing done.
it's true
Except my walk.
My walk is my must.
My walk is my happy heart !
I may have a big ol pile of To Dos to do but, I just gotta do what I gotta do.
Happy ! Happy !
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