xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Words Floating Around in My Head: Waffles

Thursday, June 4, 2015


Google tells me there are more than 1,500 Waffle House restaurants in the U.S.A.
Each restaurant is opened 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Google also informs me that this American icon has been around since 1955.

That's a lot of waffles.

The reason I mention these Waffle House tidbits ...?
Because every time I travel somewhere by car, I see them.
The restaurants are everywhere.
In fact, I would make a fairly good size wager that there is a Waffle House at every exit I've ever exited on the highway
I see the legendary Waffle House sign, I think to myself  'I should go there'.

I. Should. Go.There.

I swear sometimes I think Waffle House is calling my name
"Ooooooo Jacki ! Stop. Enjoy !"

Sadly though in all my years of travel, each time I have heard my Waffle House mantra, I have ignored it.
Next time Waffle House.
Next time.

But then along came yesterday.
Yesterday, Daughter and I decided to walk our bodies down to a nearby Waffle House for a good morning breakfast
& I finally ate a waffle at Waffle House.

! ! JOY ! !

Maybe it's because I've always wanted to but never did ...
Or maybe it was the friendly people inside that happy little restaurant.
Maybe it's because the food at Waffle House was absolutely heavenly
Or maybe it's because life's simple pleasures really are the best

But that waffle I consumed at Waffle House ?
It was Sooooooo Goooood.


Life's simple pleasures.
They don't cost much
You don't have to search high and low to find them
& no far away travel is necessary.
Because they are right there every single day.
Patiently waiting to be found
& enjoyed.

Seek and ye shall find your simple pleasures, my friends
& a whole lotta happy too.


I Am My Feelings

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