xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Words Floating Around in My Head: Do You Mind ...?

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Do You Mind ...?

I've often consider myself a fairly friendly airline traveler.
I figure, if a chatty stranger wants to plop down in the seat next to me and tell me their life story, I'll happily listen because I love Niceys.
But lately, it seems the more I travel the more introverted I am becoming
& I'd rather just stare at the clouds and get lost in my music.

As Husband and I made our way home last week, that's exactly what I was thinking.
No talking please.

But before I grabbed the earphones, I eavesdropped
& I was very pleasantly surprised.
At least three of the continuing conversations I could decipher started with a "Do you mind if I sit here?"
Complete strangers.
Meeting, talking, acting neighborly.

'How wonderful !' I thought, as I put my music in my ears.
Now, HUSH.


Husband and I had a connecting flight with about an hour to dillydally in between.
After maneuvering our way to the bathrooms and grabbing a cup of coffee, we settled in to wait.
A man and woman who had been on our previous plane were hunkered down patiently pausing too.
I smiled at them as they nodded their acknowledgement
& then ...
an awesome conversation between complete strangers began.

"Do you like pizza?" he asked
& of course, we responded with a resounding 'Yes!'


"The pizza here is really good ..."
& ....
we talked
and talked
and talked some more.

Turns out, he once lived in the very town Husband and I call home.
He raised his family about a half mile away from my childhood house.
His children went to the same high school, graduated around the same years, played the same sports.
He knew just about every name we threw his way
& had visited every store and restaurant we reminisced.
He and the Mrs. haven't lived in our area for years and would never, ever move back
but they love their every once in awhile visit with family and friends in our mutual hometown.

What a wonderful walk down Memory Lane.

As we boarded the connecting plane, I think we all wished we could continue our conversation but, our seats weren't close so our paths were separated.
An hour or so later though, as Husband and I were lingering in baggage claim, a new but familiar voice wondered if we wanted to tip a few beers at the local Legion Hall
& as we laughed and parted ways, I thought ... 'it all started with a curious little question'.

'Do you like pizza?'
'Do you mind if I sit here?'
Friendlies taking a chance that the person they are asking is a friendly too.

From now on, I think I'll leave those earphones in my suitcase.


I Am My Feelings

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