xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Words Floating Around in My Head: My Necklace

Friday, January 15, 2016

My Necklace

I received it as a remembrance gift from Grandpa after Granny died.
I was nine years old at the time
& what started out as a chain, two trinkets and a lovely thought has now become my treasure.

Somewhere down the road I started adding my own keepsakes.
The two trinkets have become thirteen.
It's my charm bracelet, my Pandora.
If I like it, I add it.

I've worn this necklace a lot or not at all, depending on what was going on in my life.
But, as the years keep moving along, it has become a daily must.

My necklace has held firm through all the years of daycare and watching those little ones.
Many a child has grabbed and played with it.
It's a good distraction.

Ooooo...what's that ?!?
Tug Tug.
Pull. Pull.

So many times, I too, have clutched this chain around my neck.
It's my comfort.
My holder of answers.

I have a habit of spinning the trinkets around a certain way if I'm bored or nervous
& my necklace makes a little jingling noise when I do.
Every so often I hear, "Enough with the jingle !"
uh ... oops ...

jingle. jingle.

People continually ask me about my necklace.
Some admired.
Some smirk.
Most wonder why I still wear it.

I'll admit, she has seen better days
& sooner or later I know I will have to break down and get a new chain.
But, there's no need to rush.
Every time my necklace unlatches or breaks I always find a new way to fix her
& fix her, I will forever do.

I was handed this memory of Granny at the very young age.
Back then, I had no idea of it's priceless value
& I've often wondered if this simple necklace brought the same happiness to Granny's heart as it does to mine.

I'm pretty positive her answer is yes.


I Am My Feelings

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