xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Words Floating Around in My Head: Can You Hear Me Now ?

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Can You Hear Me Now ?

I'm not very good at remembering names.
Especially when talking on the phone.

"Hello. My name is ------. How can I help you ?"

At that moment, I'm usually too busy thinking of what I'm going to say to this person
& I completely miss it.
Or, I catch their name and forget to write it down
& by the end of our conversation, I've forgotten.

Bad habit.
I listen.
But, I don't hear.

Have you ever had a song follow you around ?
That's happening to me.
It's Chicago's 'Colour My World'
I've heard that song more in these past few months than in my whole, entire lifetime.
Which is a good thing.
I love it.

Since 'Colour My World' has decided to attach itself to me, I listen every single time it plays
& it's amazing.
I never realized the incredible simpleness of that song before.
& I'm hearing a new something each and every time.
Those quiet instruments, such easy words.
That uncomplicated tune has been around for many a year and I've listened to it multiple times but, it took me this long to finally HEAR it.


I've slept with the windows open these last few nights.
& chirp, chirp, chirping has been the very first thing I hear when I wake.
You know that old saying 'up with the birds' ?
Those tiny tweeters sure do enjoy bright and early.
They are happily just THERE, singing their lovely tunes
& it makes me wonder, how long have they been back and I just didn't notice ?
Weeks ? Months ?

I do believe it's another gentle reminder to pay attention to the wonderful signs life continually offers.
I'll listen but, this time, I'm going to hear.


I Am My Feelings

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