xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Words Floating Around in My Head: I've Gotta Be

Thursday, March 31, 2016

I've Gotta Be

For as long as I can remember, I've felt like an oddball.
A friendly, functional oddball but, still an oddball.
Something inside of me just never seemed to click with what everybody else was doing.
If  the majority was there, chances are, I was not.

Back in the early 80's or whenever wearing designer brand anything first became popular, I had a heated debate with a friend who absolutely LOVED this new trend.
I just couldn't understand the 'just because everyone else is doing it, I must too' way of thinking
& the more popular wearing "whoever"' became, the more I fought it.
But, eventually, finally, I gave in.
It was all the stores carried and the clothes were really cute.
Reluctantly but willingly, I became the majority.

Remember a few years ago when it seemed like the whole wide world was pouring a bucket of water on their head ?
Although this being soaked for the camera kind of joy started and supposedly kept happening for a good cause, I couldn't stand it
& the more 'Here I Gooooo' videos I saw, the more I'd retreat.
Not because of the cause, I'm all for helping any and all causes.
It was the majority that kept me away.
THEY did, so I didn't.
They said do, so I said don't

& all the while I'd continue to wonder, what's wrong with ME ?
WHY can't I just go along with what everybody else does ??

I feel a need to walk the opposite direction on my walking trail.
If I can avoid shopping malls and big cities, I do.
As children, mine never visited 'The Happiest Place On Earth' because that was the last place their mother wanted to go.
My idea of Heaven is sitting alone on a mountain top ...

That's just WEIRD, right ??

I always thought so.

Until the day I woke up and realized it's not.
It's ME
& the day I became ok with me changed everything.
Every. Thing.

Most days, I'm not the majority
& nothing against the majority but, I prefer to keep it that way.
But every day I am ME.
I have to live with this person.
I'm glad I finally learned to understand her, be her, love her.

I had a weird little message dream last night
& I don't know who it was that whispered in my ear but, whoever you are, BIG THANKS.

"Don't ever doubt your inner you" is what I was told
& along with the message came a beautiful, tingly, huggy feeling of Love.

& so, I pass it on ...

The majority will remain the majority but you are YOU.
Listen to.
Become ok with  
& never, ever, ever doubt that very knowledgeable, incredibly wise, wonderful inner someone.


I Am My Feelings

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