xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Words Floating Around in My Head: Simple Kindness Continued

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Simple Kindness Continued

A few weeks ago, I wrote about a young man from the neighborhood.
On the last days of Ramadan, he came over offering thanks and treats.
He and his mosque were very grateful for our continued patience with traffic and they felt the need to share
& had it not been for a husband who answers late evening doors, I would have missed this beautiful generosity.

Ever since that day, I've had a nag, nag, nagging voice inside my head.
Return the favor. Return the favor. Return the favor.
Seems my heart of hearts wanted me to pay it forward.
Allllllll I kept thinking was that I should copy those blog words, attach a thank you, bake some cookies and walk myself right over to the mosque.
I wanted to show those nice people how much I appreciated their simple gesture of kindness by offering my own simple gesture of kindness.
"Do it. Do it. Do it", my voice insisted
"I will. I will. I WILL", I replied.
One day, I will.

Well, it took me awhile but, that day did arrive.
I baked the cookies.
I copied my blog words
& I wrote that thank you.
Got everything all tidied up and nice and decided tomorrow was the day when I'd finally follow through.


Then it rained.
Not just rain, rain rain.
It was pouring, actually.
So I didn't go on the day I said I would go because I didn't want to look like a crazy, drenched woman with cookies to the kind people at the mosque
& I thought, well boo.
I guess I'll put the cookies in the freezer to keep them fresh until I find the next perfect opportunity to offer my thank you.
I was hoping that opportunity would be soon because, it's me
& I have a tendency of talking myself out of things once the big moment has passed.
Fingers crossed for a reboot of courage.

Now we all know how I'm a big believer in everything happening for a reason, right ?
Wouldn't you know, that very evening after the storms had passed, there was a knock on our door.
Husband answered, as he has been known to do and happily summoned me to join.
The young man from the mosque was there with a remember me ? smile.
He had come over with an invitation for an Open House, an evening of unity at his mosque.
He sure hopes we can come.

I was so delighted to see him and his invitation I believe I became incoherent.
I told him about my thank you for their thank you, my taking forever to make those cookies, my having everything together to bring over to them that day, the rain, how weird is it that I was going to go there but now he is here ...
babble babble babble.

Long story short, we will be meeting our brand new friends at the Open House on Friday
& I can't wait.
Oh, how I love simple kindness.


I Am My Feelings


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