Hunkered down with a blanket and pillow, comfortably ready to catch up on what's happening in this world.
Maybe watch a movie, a game ...
No can do.
For me it's blanket, pillow, cozy ...
& a whole lotta z's.
Every single time.
So last night, I made a very concentrated effort to do some serious tv watching.
This time, I would try.
THIS time, I could stay awake
and ...
I did.
For about a whole ten minutes.
But, dang.
Did I have some dreams.
Weird, wild, wacky dreams.
There were scientists interested in my veins.
There were dogs running around my house and my yard.
& there was pink.
Not the singer, the color.
Pink. Pink. Pink.
What's up with that, brain ??
I don't even love pink.
I love orange.
My recurring dream is always thrown in the mix
& it recurred last night, right on schedule.
In my every other night dream, I am in a house or a building of some sort.
The structure is different each time but, a staircase is always nearby
& I always notice the staircase.
In my head I say 'hey, there's the staircase'
I think about going up or down the staircase but, I never recall if I actually do, maybe I just think about it.
My dream is always full of people too.
Most I don't know but, many I love.
And I always, always, always have a long conversation with one of the people I know
& it's always quite lovely.
I receive happy feelings from whoever I'm talking to each night.
It's all very pleasant.
But, darn if I can remember any of those wonderful conversations.
Almost every morning I'll think 'Oh! Mom or Gramma or Friend ...or whoever...told me this last night....!"
Except I can never remember the 'this' part.
I know.
I'm being told stuff
& if it's important, pass this message along stuff, I'm afraid they picked the wrong person to tell.
But, it's a recurring dream.
They will be back, they always come back
& maybe one of these times I'll get a slap upside the head along with the conversation.
Until then ...
I will enjoy the cozy of my couch, the busy of my dreams.
But apparently never, ever the joys of that tv.
I Am My Feelings
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