xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Words Floating Around in My Head: Fess Up No Fess

Friday, January 16, 2015

Fess Up No Fess

I hate to start your day this way but, there will be no Fess Up Friday.
Oh now, I know it's heartbreaking.
But, you'll get over it.
I have a legit reason for not fessin.
I have a story I need to tell instead.
So see ?
It all works out.
here it is ...

The plan was for Dad to drop us off at Denny's.
That's where the bus would pick us up.
We were headed for Florida.
Husband has always wanted to take a Greyhound bus trip to somewhere.
I agreed to this adventurous excursion because he usually misses all the beautiful scenery when we drive because he does most of the driving.
& plane trips ...?
Even though I love clouds, not much scenery up there.

So anyways, the online bus instructions informed us to arrive at Denny's one hour before the scheduled departure.
We will and we did.

We soon figured out though, there was really no need to be at that Greyhound pickup so early.
No need at all.

Instead of just leaving us and our suitcases at Denny's for that hour, my nicest of nice Dad decided to park the car and wait it out with us.
The three of us sat in Dad's warm car and enjoyed some good yappin time.

We were parked at Point A.
It seemed a reasonable spot.
When the bus stops at Point A, we will have a short walk with our suitcases.

Eventually, the bus arrived, right on schedule.
But, Mr Bus Guy decided to park that big ol bus at Point B instead of our strategically planned Point A.

No worries.
It took a bit of maneuvering but, we ventured over to Point B.
The bus is here, we are ready to go, let's go !

And so, Dad, husband and I exited the car, all opening and closing our doors in unison.

!!!!!!!!!! WAIT !!!!!!!!!

We cannot figure out how it happened but, it happened.
The keys, suitcases and all the good stuff were sitting in the still running, locked car.


Ok then.
What to do ?

Well, we began by saying hello to the puzzled bus guy.
We informed him of our predicament.
Thanks but, no thanks, bus guy.
We have to get these keys and all our goods out of our still running car.
Bye Bye !

Luckily, we knew there was a layover at Bus Destination # 2,  two hours south of where we stood.

We decided to call AAA, get the car unlocked, and make a southern run..

Dad didn't mind.
We didn't mind.
Let's do it.

As we were waiting on our savior from AAA, we all decided we needed a Denny's breakfast.

In all this fussing and worrying about what to do next, I had the most wonderful conversation with an employee of Denny's.
She had witnessed our dilemma and wondered  if she could help in any way.

You know that 'I think I've met you before' feeling ?
I felt it.

This lady was kind, helpful and very interesting !
She made our unexpected stay at Denny's so very enjoyable.

After a short while, along came the AAA man.
With a big smile and a very cool device, he had that car door opened in no time at all.

Long story short
(or long story longer)
We made it to Bus Destination # 2 with plenty of time to spare.
And now, we are sitting in Florida.

My point to this morning's rambles …?...

Sometimes the best laid plans don't happen the ever so careful way they are planned.
Sometimes, there are bumps in the road.
Sometimes, those bumps are small.
Sometimes, those bumps are monstrous.

Either way, whatever it is ...
Don't worry
Don't stress.
Your best bet is to just jump in and go with the flow.

Just go with the flow.

If you trust that everything will turn out the way it's supposed to turn out , by golly, things usually turn out just fine.

Everything, and I mean
Every. Thing.
happens for a reason.
So just go with it.

Along the way you just might meet some very kind people who make those bumps in your road worth the trip.


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