xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Words Floating Around in My Head: Same Name

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Same Name

I've never been one to wear much makeup.
My favorite outfit is a sweatshirt and cutoffs.
My preferred shoes are comfortable tennies.
On most days, that's what you get if you hang with me
& whether I'm home or out and about, if I can get by with my cozy look, it is what I will wear.

Lately, I've been spending a lot of time in waiting rooms
& let's just say, I've looked decent but, I don't and won't super duper jazzy up to wait in a waiting room.

But she did.
She came strolling into this quiet little 'wait here' area like she was ready for a photo shoot.
Perfect makeup.
Beautiful, flowing hair.
Sparkly, stylish clothes.

We smiled at each other, just to be polite.
She sat herself down and zeroed in on her phone.
I continued to mindlessly stare at the tv.

As I sat there I thought, why would anyone need to look that fancy to sit in a waiting room ?
& I can't read minds but, I'm pretty sure she thought 'jeans and an obviously very favorite sweatshirt. Really?'

Then her name was called to be ask a question.
So she runway walked to the desk, answered the query and sat down again
& I said ...
'My name is Jacki too'

& so began our conversation.

Turns out, we have a thing or two in common.
She's a middle child who loves Cheetos and walking trails.
She has a great laugh, spells her name the same way
& yes, she would love to model and is working towards her dream.

As we parted ways we BIG hugged, exchanged business cards and genuinely hoped to see each other again.
And as I sat there patiently waiting in that waiting room I thought, first impressions.
If we would have left it there, this model and no fuss girl would have missed out on a very, very wonderful conversation.
Instead, we are new friends with an awesome same name.



I Am My Feelings

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