Everyone has something.
Something they say.
Something they do.
Some THING that tells your people, your posse, your peeps ...
uh oh.
Party's over.
Time to pack it up and call it a night.
Even if you're not a drinker, I'm pretty sure you'll know what I am saying.
You've seen them.
They and their over the limit, telltale sign.
Their 'one too many' alert.
Their 'NOW is the time to go home' moment.
Before I confess to my THING, I must admit that I don't drink all that much anymore.
Not at all, really.
I mean, there's an occasional Chicago Bears tailgate.
An every so often Girls' Night.
A few and far between wedding reception.
But ...
That's pretty much it.
Truth be told, I'm a dud.
With that being said though, when I do partake in one of the above festivities, I very much enjoy a glass or many of wine
& yep.
I have a 'thing' I do that signals the night's end is fast approaching.
I hop.
Uh huh.
Not just hop in place hop, although I do that too ...
I'm talking Polka dance.
I'm talking pull out those bouncy tunes baby, because I am hop hop hopping right into tomorrow !
For safety and I'd rather not be hungover sake, I make certain to hand out a pre-party head's up.
If you see me hopping in any way, shape or form, kindly bounce me right out that door because it's time.
It's time.
Oh yes, it is time.
I guess it could be worse.
I could be a Fighter
or a Whiner
or a Repeater
or an Annoy-er ....
or all of the above.
I'm a Hopper.
Hop. Hop.
& with THAT being said ...
Here's to a safe but, extremely Hoppy New Year's Eve, my friends.
I Am My Feelings
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