xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Words Floating Around in My Head: Domdom

Saturday, February 4, 2017


Not too many people know this little tidbit about me but hey, it's the weekend.
I think I'll spill.

Way, Way, WAY back in the day I took electric guitar lessons.
Older Brother did too.

Miss Millie was our teacher.
She was a nice little lady who lived on our street.
Big Bro and I would trudge down to her house every Saturday morning.

I can tell you three songs I strummed during my Miss Millie guitar lesson days, although I am certain there were more.
Unfortunately, 'more' now resides somewhere in the vortex of my brain.


The songs I do remember are

"Steppin' Stone" by the Monkees

"White Room" by Cream


"Something" by The Beatles.

Looking back, I'm thinking I must have been pretty good at "Steppin' Stone" because one day Miss Millie decided to put me and a few other girls in a band.
uh huh
A band.

My job in that band was to play bass.
Steppin' Stone bass.
& I can still hear that rhythm in my head .... domdom domdom domdom dom dom dom.

Were there other songs ?
Other awesome bass rhythms ?
I honestly don't know.

We had one gig that I recall.
We played at what was known as 'Boys Town' to a packed audience of boys, I presume.
I really don't remember.

Maybe the responsibility of playing bass to 'Steppin' Stone' to those starry eyed boys of Boys Town was just too much for my young brain to handle.
The stress of it all is buried somewhere deep in my head, never to surface again.


I do and always will remember the band's name though.
We were known as the Psychedelic Lollipops.

Oh, Yes.
You heard me right.

The Psychedelic Lollipops.

I was a bass player in a band called the Psychedelic Lollipops
& THAT'S Pretty. Cool. Stuff. if you ask me.

So there.
You know
& I am sure you are thrilled that I remember these things.
Some of these things.

You may now resume your today, filled with bright, colorful glee.



I Am My Feelings

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