xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Words Floating Around in My Head: I Am Music

Saturday, February 18, 2017

I Am Music

Some would call it a dinosaur and I suppose they'd be right.
I have had 'my music thingie' for a very long while.
It was a back in the day hand-me-down from one of my daughters and I have loved it ever since.

It's perfect
& inside, it carries the tunes that truly touch my soul

& yes, many a Barry Manilow resides there but surprisingly, plenty of other artists are gathered as well.
Within this priceless, mini gadget are the songs that hit me right smack dab in the feels.
They are the songs that heal me, strengthen me, identify me.

Golly ! I sure do love music.
It's just so wonderfully amazing how music calms my brain, quiets the noise and speaks to my heart.

But, there's music
& then there's MUSIC
& I've often wondered about those certain voices, those certain songs that reach that unreachable place, the core of me.
As if that song, that voice knows me better than I know myself.
It's beauty is what it is !
It is special and sacred and awesome

& THAT is my Saturday wish for You.
yep. yep.

Listen to YOUR music.

Turn on the radio or Ipod or pad or tunes or whatever 'music thingie' you happen to call your own and escape into the glorious blissfulness of it all.
Enjoy it for what it is and why it is and what it does and let it fill that heart of yours with a whole lotta happy

& if you happen to need any Barry Manilow recommendations ?
Call me.
Because he writes the songs.

Oh, yes he does.


I Am My Feelings

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