xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Words Floating Around in My Head: Ever Notice ?

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Ever Notice ?

I tried real, REAL hard to talk myself out.
The dampness, the briskness, that breezy wind.


& I came thisclose to not going.
But, I have been to that park enough times before, during and after a storm to realize, to know

& these are the early days of February.
February !!
and it had rained.
Rolling thunder, lightning, downpour rain.
In February.
Around here, it should be, it could be snow.

So yeah.
You better believe I went

& hey.
Have you ever notice the clouds right after a storm ?
That funky way they make the trees, the ground, actually everything, look ?
As if a quiet anticipation is covering the atmosphere.
We're not quite sure if we're done yet

or the scent of rain ?
It is indescribably delightful

or how everything always looks so clean, so refreshed afterwards ?
Like a good cry.
The hurt, the pain, the ugly is washed away

or how after each and every time it storms, the sun appears, however briefly, with her forever reminder ?
No worries.
I got this

& puddles ?
Have you ever noticed those incredibly wonderful puddles ?
Like mirrors on the grass and sidewalk, reflections of the world.


THISCLOSE I came to not going, to missing 
& today ?
Today, we are back in Winter, to light snowflakes in the air.

Methinks I'll continue to notice.


I Am My Feelings

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