A few birthdays ago, Husband received a c.b. radio as a gift
& honestly, nobody was really all that thrilled about it, except him.
You see, not that many years have passed since he was a truck driver
& he very much enjoyed partaking in the chatter.
So when Husband opened his brand spanking new c.b. he was asked "uh
...WHY ?!?" by those of us who are not retired truck drivers.
He just laughed as he sat there all thankful and merry.
Soon after, Husband went out and purchased a brand new antenna for his brand new c.b. radio.
He was all set.
At first, I just tolerated the c.b. because that's what I do.
It neither bothered or amused me.
It was just there.
But now ...
Now we are traveling to visit Grandsons & Co. and have opted to drive.
So now, I have spent two straight days with that c.b.
And .....
I have to admit.
I'm hooked.
I'm hooked on those truckers and their musings.
Turn off that stereo.
I don't need any tunes.
All I want is to do is listen to the yappin.
It's so random.
It's a mishmash of stuff.
Just stuff.
It's different opinions, interesting personalities.
It's a spurted out song, an obscenity filled rant, a hard times story, a hearty laugh ...
It's a head's up on traffic and what's happening miles away.
An alert on speed traps.
A telling of which lane we should be merging into long before any other drivers know ...
It's a little bit of everything
& yep
It's very awesome.
I'm catching up on all my big rig lingo too.
Although I already know most words floating around in the trucker chatter world,
I'm hearing a few I've never heard before.
I did not know until recently that a car carrying semi is called a parking lot
Well by golly, now I know.
Husband and I happily reached Destination Grandsons yesterday evening
& YaY
that always equals FUN
but, shhh
don't tell anyone there's a little bitty part of me that is already anticipating our L O N G ride back home.
uh huh
I can't wait to hear that happy, grumpy, nicey, meanie, troubled, confident banter again.
It's my truck driver soap opera, filled with a wonderful mixture of knowledge, information and stuff.
Just stuff.
& yep.
I am hooked.
I Am My Feelings
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