I'm not really sure why or where it began but, when it comes to this
I do mean YIKES.
I feel as if that bridge and that train are going to pick THAT PRECISE moment in time to come tumbling down upon my head
& if there just happens to be a traffic jam and I am stopped right smack dab, directly under ?
You are looking at what has become my very worst fear.
creepy, hairy, spiders ??
You just stay away from me too, ok ??
I tell the peeps and anyone who will listen that this unusual panic of being sqooshed to pieces had to be formed in another lifetime because, really now, where the heck else would it come from ??
& they almost always return my commentary with rolled eyes, patient focus and a polite getaway.
But, yesterday ?
Yesterday, I did this
That's Husband's 1995 Ford Pickup, lifted up with a couple of jacks.
The starter needed to be replaced and of course it had to be under the truck and not somewhere easy
oh, and the reason WHY ?? we didn't take it to a shop with a handy, dandy mechanic ??
because by golly !! that's just how we roll.
It might take a few days and a whole bunch of swearing but, you best believe it WILL be accomplished
& it was.
We accomplished.
Well, actually, he did.
I just handed over some tools, stood around and dilly-dallied most of the time but, yeah, I can say I helped
& we were thisclose to finishing,
& ohmygosh.
I was asked if I could get under that truck and tighten what could not be reached by Husband.
It most definitely was a heart pounding, I DON'T WANNA !! moment
but, I did it.
I. Did. It.
I kinda, sorta, somewhat conquered a fear.
So why in the world am I wasting your busy morning telling you this ??
no reason
I'm just proud of myself because I really, REALLY didn't think I could !!
& if I can ??
You can too.
Oh. Yes. You. Can.
Whatever it is, wherever it be ...
Here's to you and me conquering every little everything that needs to be conquered today, tomorrow and all those next days too.
I Am My Feelings
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