xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Words Floating Around in My Head: The Eye

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The Eye

Image by: OSEI
"Skies are often clear above the eye and winds are relatively light. It is actually the calmest section of any hurricane."

I received text after text and Anderson Cooper kept me up-to-date and informed but, I cannot even begin to imagine what my family was feeling as Hurricane Irma barreled through their little corner of Florida.
I'm told her wind made a frightening, freight train, most eerie moan and is a sound they never want to experience again
& all they could do at that moment in time was hunker, hope and trust that the plan they had decided on was indeed the right one
& after all was said and done, there is a monster of a mess to be cleaned, a neighbor helping neighbor bond to be felt and a whole bunch of work to be done to get life back to normal but, luckily, thankfully, yay for that plan
& it's true, Grandsons slept through it all.

Which brings me to the eye.
I know Irma's wrath has left an incredible amount of devastation and destruction
& I'm sure I would be feeling quite different if I had actually been there and seen her and what she has done for myself
But, I cannot get her eye out of my head.

"It is actually the calmest section of any hurricane."

Does anyone else but me wonder WHY ??!??

Why with every single everything that surrounds this powerful, albeit ugly, side of nature is there a CALM ??
It doesn't make a bit of sense !
& I'm sure all you meteorologists out there have a very detailed explanation and I probably should take note and listen.
You want to know what I think ?

I think it's a lesson to be learned.

bear with me
& ponder, please.

Winds and might and angry gusts bending and swaying in an uncompromising direction
Then calm
& winds and might and angry gusts bending and swaying in an uncompromising other direction
! ! ! ! !

& there, right smack dab in the middle, sits the calm.
The shhhh.

It is a lesson.
For. Sure.

Take it.
Use it.
Be it
& remember, no matter what Life has handed you or plans to offer in the days to come.
No matter if you want it or would absolutely rather not.
No matter the turmoil or the twists and turns and roller-coaster-like swirling and twirling of what this world sometimes offers.

"Skies are often clear above the eye and winds are relatively light."

Find that eye.


I Am My Feelings

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