I've heard myself say those words a million times
& I truly believe them.
I do.
Until Las Vegas happens and I'm brought to my knees
& I ask, REASON ???
What could possibly be the reason behind a massacre ?
Oklahoma City, Columbine, September 11, Aurora, Boston, San Bernardino, Sandy Hook, Orlando ...
I am losing count because it KEEPS HAPPENING
& now Vegas.
Dear Jesus, PLEASE tell me what lesson am I to learn from innocents being brutally murdered ?!?
PLEASE help me figure this one out
& I am trying to find the positives, I am.
Like Fred Rogers' mama often told him ...
“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”
I too, am searching for those helpers
& Mrs Rogers was right.
Human beings shine their brightest when tragedy strikes.
The helpers are always, ALWAYS there.
But, you want to know the one thing that keeps pulling me back to the edge, to that vortex of I'm DONE, to that I just want to curl up and hide forever ?
The hate that remains, the hate that continues.
Hate is hate no matter how you chop it, no matter the pretty up, no matter the disguise.
Hate is eating us up, ruining us.
Killing. Us.
& I'm so, so tired of HATE.
We are better than this, people.
When will we realize ?
WHEN will we look hate straight in the eyes and see it for what it is
& look at ourselves to honestly see what we are ?
We share this awesome planet.
We are given this incredible, daily GIFT.
What more could we possibly want or need ??
& loving one another shouldn't be that hard to do ! !
Why can't we embrace uniqueness ?
Why can't we treasure each of our amazingly wonderful differences ?
Why can't we just GET ALONG ??
Oh Ugliness.
You've knocked me down, yet again
& this time I took that hit hard.
Real hard.
But, you know what ?
I am finding my reasons.
Until we learn just how incredibly easy loving one another can and SHOULD be, we are doomed to these awful, endless repeats of hate.
The answer is love, my friends.
Love thy neighbor as thyself.
That means all neighbors, not just the ones we deem appropriate.
I will keep singing this tune from now until forever.
I will shout it from the rooftops until the day I die.
I will continue to talk to the wall if I must but I promise you, I will not stop.
Love. Love. Love.
Just. LOVE.
I Am My Feelings
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