xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Words Floating Around in My Head: God Does

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

God Does

"I would submit this to everyone - my families here and you guys there - whatever life brings to you, lean on the lord rather than your own understanding. I don't understand, but I know my God does."

These beautiful words were spoken by Pastor Frank Pomeroy of the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas yesterday.
& sadly, they reminded me of another horrific church shooting in June of 2015.

I repeat that day's blog with heartfelt awe and sincere respect to the true believers of this world.


When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping."

I have read this Mr Rogers' quote countless times.
It seems to pop up when tragedy strikes
& I love it because it is so true.
Mr Rogers' mama is right.
The helpers are always there.

As I watched the news yesterday, I thought of this quote.
The families of the South Carolina Emanuel AME Church victims spoke
& the words they said to the man responsible for their unimaginable pain speak volumes.
We should all be listening.

These people of faith reacted and responded just as people of faith do.
They accepted.
They forgave.

The person reporting this hard to fathom breaking news sat in pure disbelief.
She commented a few different times on how the families aren't consumed with hatred for the man who took their loved ones.
She was shocked.
Hate should be what these families are feeling.

What I saw in that repeated courtroom clip was faith at it's core
& I've seen this beautiful power many times before.
In Oklahoma City, Columbine, New York, Newtown, Boston ...

Believers accepting what was handed to them.
Horrifyingly painful acceptance.
They steadfastly remain focused.
Focused on Jesus.
Because that's exactly what true believers do.

Mr Rogers' mama said to watch the helpers.
I suggest watching the survivors.
The ones who have to carry on.
These wonderful humans have and will continue to show the world how faith should be done.
& as heartbreaking as their pain is to watch, the power of their faith is truly, awesomely inspiring.
They are our proof that time after time after time good does overcome evil
Hope will always, always, ALWAYS survive
Love. Conquers. All.



I Am My Feelings

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