xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Words Floating Around in My Head: Up on the Roof

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Up on the Roof

I was on the roof last week.
The gutters were full of leaves and it's easier to clean them from up there.
It's such a pretty view !
But, I have to admit, I have a few issues when it comes to being on the roof.

Issue # 1
Climbing the ladder.

Climbing a ladder that high scares the you know what out of me.
Climbing up.
Climbing down.
Yikes and Yikes.

Once I get my feet on the flat part of the roof I am fine.
In fact, back when my kids were kids, I let them climb up on the flat roof.
They loved it !
How I let my precious children climb up that long, tall ladder still puzzles me though.

I cleaned the flat roof gutters and all was fine and fun.
....except for the scary ladder part.....

Then it was time for the slanted part of the roof.
I usually clean the slanted roof gutters from down below.
But, for some reason, this year I decided to clean the gutters from above.
That meant venturing onto the slanted roof.
Piece of cake ! I thought to myself before I began venturing.

Issue # 2
The slanted roof.

I was halfway to where I needed to be on the slanted roof when I discovered I was terrified.
It was quite an eye opener.
I'd go so far as to call it an epiphany.

Why did I think this was a good idea ??
& NOW what do I do ?!?

I guess you could say I conquered my fear....?
I guess.
I maneuvered my way very, very slowly off the slanted roof.
& I vowed to never, ever do that again.

I made it back to the flat roof and considered doing a dance of joy, until I realized I still had to go down that dreaded ladder.

You'll be happy to know, I survived.

I touched the ground with overwhelming relief.
I was so very proud.
I faced a fear.
Hip Hip Hooray for me !

Come Spring, I will boldly climb back on that roof to clean those gutters yet again.
& I will be big, bad and brave until then.

Bring it, ladder.
I got this.

And you, slanted roof...?
I don't think so.

One fear at a time is enough for me.
One deep-seated  fear at a time !!




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