xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Words Floating Around in My Head: FlaiL

Monday, August 3, 2015


I went to an outdoor concert last night and it was fantastic.
Sister, Daughter, Daughter's BF and I saw an unbelievably awesome performance by two legendary bands.
Earth Wind & Fire and Chicago.
Oh Yeah.
It was good.

& it's no secret that I love people watching.
So this was perfect.
I find watching people at a musical event especially fun and interesting.

Now, I've never been much of a dancer.
I mean, I will and I have at weddings and such, but given the choice, I'd rather sing.
Or pretend I can sing.
So I'm very envious of the wigglers of the world.
The first ones on, last ones off the dance floor people.
The movers and shakers.
Those whirly, twirly swingers.
You know who you are.
I call you the 'Flailers'.

& I absolutely adore your flailing.
You feel the music and you just gotta move that body.

And so ...
I was amongst many flailers last night, including my sister who found it almost impossible to contain her glee.

But I zeroed in on one person in particular.
This woman was into her moment, this moment.
She was feeling the vibes, the rhythms of the night
& she was enjoying
& there ain't nothing wrong with that.

I call her a flailer but, that sounds like she was thrashing about.
She wasn't.
She was simply enjoying.

Apparently though, her movements bothered the person she was with.
Her husband or boyfriend or whoever he was seemed perturbed
& about halfway through the concert he just couldn't hold his negativity in.
He whispered something into this wonderful woman's ear
& whatever he said worked, for him at least.
He wanted to stop her dancing and that's exactly what he did.
She sat her body down on their blanket and did not move.
Not once
& soon after, they left.

I'm thinking about that incredible concert this morning
& that woman.
I'm sad that her happy bubble was popped
She was bothering no one, except her negative, joy smothering nellie.


Do me a favor, Flailers.
Please keep on flailing.
Don't stop
& never, ever let anyone box up your bliss.
If you're feeling that music, you show all of us non flailers how it's done.
Enjoy your moment baby !
Cause there ain't NOTHING wrong with that.


I Am My Feelings

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