xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Words Floating Around in My Head: My Characters

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

My Characters


So you know about Wicker Walk Man.
The 'he looks, I smile, he looks away' guy

You know about my soon to be BFF, Mr Smiles.
I love him so

I've told you about Forrest Gump
fyi ... he's still running

I've mention Mr and Mrs Black Squirrel a time or two
btw ..
I haven't seen them since early spring
& yes, I am worried.

Welp .. 
I've got a few new personalities to add to my growing cast of characters.

First up.
Mr Comedian.

As I was walking last week, this big, tall man came out of nowhere and slipped into my counterclockwise route.
No worries.
My only dilemma at that moment was wondering if I should speed up my steps to pass him or let him keep the lead.
It took a whole second to answer that question.
His legs were very long.
Mine are not.

So there we were.
Settling into our strides.
Enjoying our world.

All of a sudden this big, tall man starts yappin it up with the clockwise people as they strolled his way
& he was loud.
I could hear him nice and clear over the music in my ears.
He would playfully, randomly, unexpectedly ask these walkers silly, nonsense questions.
Some of the people returned his commentary with their own little yuk yuks
but most looked at him with a "You Talking To ME ?!?!" startled look
& as we continued walking and his long legs took him away from my short legs, I could see that his jokes were just not working
& soon he switched to walk, instead of walking talking.

I'm so hoping he doesn't give up his comedy routine.
Please don't stop, Mr Comedian.
Keep trying.
You audience is out there, somewhere.
I just know it.

& next ...
I call her, Solemn.

I'd say she is the female version of Wicker Walk Man but, she's not.
She's got a great smile.
It's halfhearted and fragile but, it's there.
She just always looks so sad right before she smiles.
As if she is carrying some big, honker weight of the world on her shoulders.

I think I've noticed her and wonder about her because she reminds me of me.
The me walking that wonderful walking trail days, weeks, months after my mama died.
Anybody looking at my face in those dismal days would have thought the very same thing.
'She looks so sad'
Because I was.

But I kept walking and walking and walking some more
& the sadness slowly, magically disappeared
& that's what I'm hoping happens with Solemn.

Keep walking girl.
Just keep on walking

& maybe,
just maybe ...
You will cross paths with a very tall man named Mr Comedian,
a jolly Jolly dubbed Mr Smiles,
a runner called Forrest,
a lovely young couple known as Mr & Mrs Black Squirrel
and yes,
even Wicker Walk Grumpy Pants
hopefully ...
This awesome cast of characters will help bring your heart back to happy again too.


I Am My Feelings

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