xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Words Floating Around in My Head: Power Off

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Power Off


Did I just get a good night's sleep or what ?!?!!
Ten hours.
Straight through.
I cannot tell you the last time I had ten, eight or even six hours of uninterrupted sleep.

Wooo Hoooo

& I'm handing out kudos to an angry bee.
I think he sank some sleep syrup into my body.


Yesterday evening, right before I was heading out to catch a sunset, I decided to haul the recycle bin to the curb.
So I did.
Then I came back to where the garbage can sits and stood there for a serious minute debating.

This humongous can had only one stinky bag in it ...what was the point of moving it for one stinky bag ?
But, it was stinky.
That was the point.
So there I stood.
Hemming and hawing about this silly garbage can.
should I or shouldn't I ?
After much too much time thinking about it, I grabbed the handle to pull it to the curb.

stinky won.

& that's when the angry critter got me.
Whatever he was doing at that precise moment on the handle of my garbage can, I do not know.
But that bee was not happy that I interrupted him.


Now, I've been stung plenty of times in my life, so it really wasn't a big deal.
It was more of an annoyance because I wanted to get to my walking trail and now I had a flippin bee sting to fix.
So I walked that humongous, smelly garbage can to the curb, annoyingly plopped it into it's place and  mumbled something about Team Stinky.

Then I went back inside the house with my brand new bee sting.
I grabbed the baking soda and water.
I made the baking soda and water paste that always works on bee stings.
I slopped that goop all over my finger
& I and sat on the couch to wait for the paste to do it's magical thing.
All the while thinking, I just have to get to my sunset.
It's gonna be a good one

& that's when it happened.

For some reason, after I took the bee paste off my finger that couch looked like the most beautiful, comfortable place in this whole wide wonderful world.
So I grabbed my pillow, a nice cozy blanket, forgot all about the sunset and powered off instead
& that was the end of that day.

They say everything happens for a reason
& I agree.

Why I needed to debate the garbage can is beyond me.
Why my hand needed to touch that handle at the exact moment that bee hovered there = Don't ask me Bob.
All I know is that I received the best night's sleep ever, ever EVER in return.

Thanks Mr Angry Bee.
I needed that.



I Am My Feelings


  1. What a great read, I felt good ready this blog. Thank you angry bee, thank you Jacki!

  2. & Thank YOU my very lovely friend Mika :) ! !
