xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Words Floating Around in My Head: Hitchin' A Ride

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Hitchin' A Ride

I just assumed it was against the law
& I honestly cannot remember the last time I've seen
but, according to Google, it's legal in 44 out of our 50 states.

Hitchhiking, that is
& truth be told, I am absolutely thrilled this unique form of wander still exists.

On our travels recently, Husband and I whizzed right on by three different people in three separate circumstances with that universal, side of the road sign.

After we passed and I got over the fact that we didn't stop to help a fellow human being,
the questions began
& oooooh, the questions.

Like ...

Why have I never, ever, not once picked up a hitchhiker ?
Even back in the day, where life is deemed "safe"
& yet, each time I turn my cheek and figure someone else will surely do, I always wish I could be that generous.


What are the odds ?
Serial Killer versus Someone in Need.
Million bucks says 99.9%  of the time, I'd be just fine.


Maybe it's because I love to hear people's stories.
How'd you get here ?
Where are you going ?
Tell me your background so I can ponder your history

& can somebody please tell me why I have never had the desire to hitchhike ?
& if handed the situation, I'd most likely decline a stranger's kindness and choose to walk to Point B ?
Why ??!??
Obviously, I have trust issues as I'm certain I'd be in that itsy bitsy, teeny tiny percentile who encountered the Serial Killer.


or what if I do pick up that random person and they are going to the exact town I'm going to which happens to be 48 hours away ?
Is it too late to say 'but, I don't want to be with you THAT long, geez, I was thinking 10 miles, tops'


& what if a police officer happens by ?
Do they stop, inquire, handle the move or just leave the thumbster to his own biz ?


Maybe it goes back to my hobo days as I am convinced I was one in another lifetime but, golly hitchers, you've really got my brain waves fluttering
& if offered another random act of kindness opportunity to pull over and have you hop on in .... ?
I kinda, sorta sure hope my impulse is !! YES !!
& you're nice.
I'm nice
& we're both just riding through this life, seeking nice.


I Am My Feelings  

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