I came thisclose to chuckin it in this morning.
Throwing that blanket over my head with a heavy sigh of WHO CARES ??!?
My 'why bother' birds were doing their thing and singing their song LOUD and oh so very clear.
why bother
why bother
why bother
& I almost believed them.
I got up anyway
& slowly but very surely, I set myself up at this laptop and I began
& as those cobwebs and all that noisy noise made it's way out of my brain, I was reminded of just why in the world I do bother.
I bother because I am living in a snow globe these days
& if I embrace Winter with every little bit of patience it offers
and view it as a most beautiful season of black and whites and grays ?
Well, by golly, it's not so bad after all.
So, bundle up my peeps
& enjoy.
I bother because of those lyrics that continue to jump out of my iPhone and knock me right smack dab upside the head.
I hear you, Ventura Highway
.... no despair ....
I bother because of this day's sunshine and all of it's shadowy awesomeness.
I bother because of those critters outside my window who prove to me time after time after time again, that no matter the cold or wet or dismal, they just keep on keeping on.
Keep chugging.
Don't you dare stop chugging.
I bother because of the genuine kindness from strangers.
I bother because of those pick me up, prop me up, never-ending words of encouragement from some wonderfully sincere, beautiful souls.
I bother because TODAY is a brand new, blank sheet of absolute possibilities.
So yes, I bother
!! YaY !!
I am pretty darn happy that I do.
I Am My Feelings
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