She quotes my quotes.
Now, that may sound weird and a bit egotistical but, coming from my point of view, it's pretty cool stuff
& it's hard to describe but, I will do my best.
As I pen these words each day, I really don't write for anything or anyone in particular.
Yes, I have been known to throw in an occasional 'I'm talking to YOU !', but mostly, these rambles really are just the words floating around in my head.
Same with my poems and stories.
I have no idea where they come from.
They just pop into my brain, I jot them down and I share them with you fine people
& I genuinely hope my words help a someone, somewhere out there.
Once in awhile but, not very often I reread my words.
Sometimes, I think ICK.
Sometimes, I think AWESOME.
It just depends.
But the more I write, the stronger I feel
& so, I keep chugging.
Then, out of nowhere and just because, I'll get a text or a phone call or an Instagram from Niece.
She sends me a sentence, a phrase, a paragraph of my words.
She quotes my quotes
& I find that the kindest, most sincere, coolest compliment ever
& so today, I've decided to gather up my quoted quotes and place them together forever on this space called Blog.
Why ?
Because I'm hoping that the someone, somewhere out there finds comfort, motivation or whatever they are searching for here.
Right here.
So, sit back
grab that coffee
& get yourself ready 'cause here they come ....

Thanks, Niece.
I wrote.
You quoted.
Here's to a domino effect of brightened days beginning right here, right now.
I Am My Feelings
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