If you feel as if you've heard this one before ?
uh, yep.
Here's to enjoying it again.
Happy January 1, 2019, my friends !
I was 23 years old or thereabouts and all I recall of the night's festivities is glee.
I don't remember where we went.
I don't remember who we saw.
I don't even remember who 'we' actually was.
But, We and I sure had a blast.
Oh ! The Laughs !
The Dancing ! The Drinks !
The Fun ! Fun ! FUN ! ! ! ! !
Until ...
Now, this part I do remember.
Thirty-some years later and that darn thing still owns the title.
oooooooh the pain.
My Gramma and Mama were there to enjoy this special event with me
& at first, they were very kind and extremely sympathetic.
They offered me water, a cold compress and aspirin.
They told me stories about the good ol days and their hangover experiences.
So loving.
So helpful.
But, somewhere down the line my moaning and groaning took those little ladies over the edge.
They turned ugly on me.
A devious plan is what they devised.
A "sure proof solution" to solve my many, many woes.
"Alka Seltzer" they said.
"All you need is Alka Seltzer"
"Just take some Alka Seltzer"
"You will feel better if you just DRINK SOME ALKA SELTZER
NO ! NO ! NO !
Gramma and Mom didn't care that every single inch of me was aching.
All they cared about were those silly, round tablets.
'Leave me alone' I pleaded
& why they didn't understand my need to lay there in complete misery is beyond me.
They were relentless.
My mother and her mother and their awful Alka Seltzer ! Alka Seltzer ! Alka Seltzer ! chant.
At some point, I decided I needed to get away from those crazy ladies.
It took everything in me to get off that couch but, I was determined to get to my room.
S L O W L Y . .
S L O W L Y . . .
Little did I know my mother had already placed two alkas into a glass.
Her, Gramma and that awful bubbling brew stood between me and the comfort of my bed.
& there was just something about that fizzy fizz fizz fizzzzzzz
oh boy.
I bolted for the bathroom.
"Drink It ! Just drink It !" was all I heard as I went to close the door.
But, that mother of mine was fast.
She plopped that Alka Seltzer on the sink and ran for cover.
Alka Seltzer.
Oh, Alka Seltzer.
We sat there eyeballing each other for a very long minute or two.
Until my stomach could take no more.
It turned upside down and inside out and released every little everything that had been ailing me.
I had not consumed one drop of those darn bubbles but, it did exactly what it needed to do
& suddenly, magically I felt terrific.
Mom and Gramma were so proud.
They danced the Alka Seltzer happy dance of joy knowing their plan had cured me
& all was right with our world again.
To this day, I can still see those little ladies chasing me down the hall with their effervescent water
& to this day I've never had an Alka Seltzer.
But, I can tell you from experience ...
It works !
plop plop.
I Am My Feelings
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