xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Words Floating Around in My Head: Hey Valentine

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Hey Valentine

There is a hopeless romantic that lives inside of me.
She makes an appearance every once in awhile through my poems
& she gets all slobbery and sentimental when a good ole love story happens her way.

Then she retreats
& there she stays until whenever.
Until the next time.
Until she decides to emerge again
& one would think on Valentine's Day, of all days, she'd be out and about and all happy and yippee and ewwy gooey.


This might sound kinda sorta bummer-ish but, Valentine's Day is my least favorite "holiday".

SAY WHAT ??!??

It's blasphemy.

But, it's true
& you want to know why ?

Because it seems so darn forced.
It's Valentine's Day so buy me a gift.
It's Valentine's Day so I need to get you a card.
It's Valentine's Day so where's the box of chocolates and flowers ?
It's Valentine's Day so the whole wide world needs to love. 

Valentine's Day always makes me feel if I don't do or I don't get or don't go all giddy ..
well geez
What's up with THAT ??
You're SUPPOSED to !

Well Valentine, it just doesn't work that way for me and my hopelessly romantic self.
Tell me yesterday.
Or show me tomorrow.
I would much rather a just because.
Just because.

I know you love me and I love you and we allllll love each other today because it's your day, Valentine
but, how about next Tuesday ?
or a month from now  ?
or six months from now ?
Will we still feel that head over heels glee when we are not reminded that hey ! it's Valentine's Day !!


& I'd say maybe I'm just getting old and cranky but, I've always felt this way.

Don't require it, Valentine.
Feel it.
Today, tomorrow and every single day that follows.

You are the definition of LOVE, Valentine, so this year, THIS time, stick around please.
Remind us.
Love is always in the air.
It's here.
It's now.
It's forever.

Have a Happy Valentine's Day, Valentine.
Enjoy your day and your show but don't you dare concern yourself with me, fella.
You know I will continue to write about you
& you better believe, I see you
& I'll see you tomorrow
& next Tuesday
& six months from now
& in every teeny tiny, randomly wonderful just because.

Just because.


I Am My Feelings

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