xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Words Floating Around in My Head: It'll Be AWESOME

Tuesday, December 5, 2017


Seems I am forever babbling about assembling an emergency backpack.

Talk Talk Talk.
Yap Yap Yap.

I'm going to gather this, that and the other thing.
I will organize and alphabetize. 
I will place my 'just in case a catastrophe occurs' backpack in a practical, convenient spot
& boy oh boy ! Will I be prepared !

I actually started a list of what will eventually, one day soon, be put in my awesome backpack
& it's well thought out, if I do say so myself.
There are things on my emergency backpack list that the average person would not think to put in their backpack.
Oh, Yes.
It is a Pretty. Darn. Detailed. impressive list
& in the not so distant future it will become a much envied, crunch-time backpack.

The reason I chose today to brag about my soon to be mobilized, best ever, ready for anything, backpack ?
Because the weather outside is somewhat frightful.
We're talking windy, baby !
The meteorological forecaster I trust most says 45 mph gusts
& if Tom Skilling calculates it that way, by golly, I believe him.
So as I laid in bed, wide awake listening to nature's zealous force, wondering if my house could implode with 45 mile per hour wind gusts I thought ...
'My Backpack !!'

uh oh.
Maybe I should have collected my stuff.

& now as I sit here drinking my coffee with The Association's 'Windy' tumbling through my brain and that twisty twirly mightiness insistently roaring outside,
I'm thinking YeP !! I better coordinate.

I'll definitely do it today.
Uh huh.
& if I don't get to it later, I'll for sure put it together tomorrow.
Or the next day.
Either way, it will be soon.
Very, very soon
& yes, my emergency backpack will be incredible.

Fingers crossed those catastrophes are procrastinators too.


I Am My Feelings

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