xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Words Floating Around in My Head: 224

Thursday, April 26, 2018


more or less
give or take

That was the answer
the question ?

When all is said and done, what is the bottom line, grand total of human beings to be "picked" in the NFL Draft ?

which begins tonight, btw
which is one of my very favorite events, fyi
which makes the dreamer in me excited beyond words, it might also be noted

Helloooooooo, number two hundred and twenty-four

& just so you know ?

It's YOU.

You are the one I am zeroing in on and will be paying most attention to this year.

No offense, numbers 1, 2, 3  and so on and so forth
& no worries, please !
as I WILL be watching your glee
and your families
and your tears of happy, as I annually do.
I will applaud your hard work and determination
& I will wish you all the best in your life adventures.
This time and this go-around ?
There's just something about Mr Last Guy that keeps tug, tug, tugging at my heartstrings
& yes, HE is where my mind will be focused.

How I ADORE believers.

Especially after,
when the pomp and circumstance exits.
When no one but your closest peeps are paying attention, those who know you best and realize the work and time and struggles you have been through and accomplished to get to this very spot.
This is where Hope lives,
where dreams thrive
& if given that chance ?
ooooo weeeeeee 

I understand, #224
I sooooo get it
& I truly hope your name is delivered
 ! ! ! ! !

oh & all you other guys ?

# 1 through 223 ?

Here's to you and those steadfast, wonderful aspirations of yours too.
Keep Believing.
Keep Doing.

& dang.
Have I mentioned how much I LOVE THIS DAY ? !! ??


I Am My Feelings



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