xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Words Floating Around in My Head: Lawnmower Guys and Astronauts

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Lawnmower Guys and Astronauts

I'm usually in charge of weed-whacking, bush trimming and edging.
He handles the lawnmower, leaf blower and fertilizer.
We have a truck, a trailer and a GPS
& we make quite the team, if we do say so ourselves as we high-five congratulate each other often.
We did a FINE job !!

We might be inside, we could be outside.
Doesn't matter.
There is always some type of land to be scaped
& by golly, we are the crew that will get 'er done.


Sometimes we work those fields a good part of the day but, things have been known to gradually, suddenly, casually change and there we are, on the moon, or Mars or somewhere, anywhere.
Our spaceship is quite detailed and can handle pretty much anything outer space has to offer, so we do everything BIG.

What ??
Just like that.
We shift and become drivers of a logger truck and !! OH NO !! a log is falling off WHAT DO WE DO WHAT DO WE DO ???


! ! ! ! !

How I adore spending time with a four year old imagination.
It is pure and sincere and wonderful and honest and if we could all just tap into a little bit of that awesomeness every day ?
oh my
Life could be soooooo incredibly delightful.

Have I mentioned the key to everything we need to know is within a child ?
It's true. 
So, do yourself a favor please and look, listen.
Spend some minutes wandering or crawling or building or flying or seeking or finding with those little souls 
& hear,
really, really HEAR what they have to say.

Pricelessness await


! Enjoy those journeys !


I Am My Feelings

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