xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Words Floating Around in My Head: How He Met My Mother

Monday, April 30, 2018

How He Met My Mother

My next quest for the person I call Dad is to write their story.
Jack and Lorraine.
How they met, how they fell in love, got married ...
you know, all that good stuff.
Dad knows I have heard this one many times before.
He also knows how good I am at hounding.
Please write it down.
Please !!

June, 2016

& yesterday ?
I received the best possible gift my father could ever, ever, EVER offer me.
He wrote it down.

- - - - - - - - - -

I think it started at a Christmas Eve party in 1953. A bunch of us, including my buddy Marvin were at the 'White Hat Club' missing home but, having a good time.
As usual, there were WAVES there.  I knew Lorraine because we worked in the same building.
I worked on the 3rd floor and she worked on the second.
It was just a fun night.

Then in January, a ski trip to Lake Tahoe was being planned, so a few of us guys, including Marvin, decided to go.  We had to rent our own equipment at a place in town.
We went and who was there with some other WAVES but Lorraine.  After we got fitted up, we decided to get some beer and have a party.  A couple car loads of us.  We ended up at the city dump.
Your mother was in our car.  When you finished your beer, all you had to do was throw the can out the window.
Marvin had to pee so he got out, went behind the car and let go.  That's the last we saw of him that night.  I have no idea where he went or how he got back but, he was in bed when I got back.

We had a nice bus trip to Tahoe.  I think we went after work on Friday and came home Sunday.
We had a lot of fun skiing and partying.  Your mother and I started hanging out together that weekend and I guess started seeing each other a lot after that.

I asked her to marry me outside the WAVES barracks.  We planned to go to New York to be married but found out I was being shipped out, be gone for at least a year.  We decided to get married before I left.  Went and talked to the chaplain and he said he could work it out.  We got married at noon on June 26, 1954 at the Chapel on Alameda Naval Air Station.  White Hat Club was right across from the chapel.  Aunt J and Auntie R attended.

I left the states 2 weeks later and the next time I saw her was in New York, probably sometime in July of 1955.

- - - - - - - - - -

Hey, Dad ?

Thank you.

For your story,
for your love,
for your patience with my pesters,
your yellow legal pad, your awesome penmanship.

For. Everything.


I Am My Feelings

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