I woke up this morning in a blah mood.
Nothing wrong.
Nothing right.
Just, eh
& I get aggravated with me when I allow this to happen because
a. I woke up this morning
b. There is ALWAYS something right,
so enough with the hum-drums, Self.
Snap outta it !
& then I remembered
& I googled to double check.
The Full Moon is thisclose to rising
& THAT, right there, is the source of my drab.
I don't know what it is.
I don't know why it is.
All I know is, it IS.
As if a feel sorry for me weight is placed on my shoulders each month,
'here you go, carry this around for awhile, would ya ?'
& I do.
Begrudgingly yet, quite enthusiastically, I do.
These are the days when the writer in me feels the need to shut down.
why bother.
boo hoo
who cares.
You know the drill
& so,
I step away
from the laptop, from my words with a NOPE !
convinced that today, well today, I just won't write.
I sludge my way to the back porch door.
I look outside.
I look up.
The color of that morning sky was absolutely intoxicating
& as I stood in my trance, staring above,
the Full Moon and all of it's shadows evaporated.
Just like that.
& I think, YaY.
My itsy bitsy, little patch of Universe did it again !
It rejoices.
It reminds.
There is SO MUCH !!
and I am blessed, honest to goodness, truly blessed
to walk this path,
to follow this journey,
to be upon this earth.
So you go right ahead and bring it, Mr Full Moon because this time,
oooooo, this time !
I am blue.
Wonderfully, purposefully, brilliantly, completely !!
I Am My Feelings
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